Sunday 8 May 2011

marketing aims for our digipack

Target Consumer:
My digi-pack is aimed at the demographic of male and females, aged 13-20 years old. It’s mainly aimed at the youth culture as their are certain charactersitcs and code that they are able to identify with. It’s mainly aimed at males as they will see our atist as a role model.

Unique Selling Point:
Synergetic product between the cd cover and advert, as they both use the graffitti theme.


Used bright bold colours to attract the audience attention. Close-up pictures of the artist looking at the camera so as to attract the audience attention. The graffitti used is different and atrracts the audeince eye.

Cd cover and music advert.

Their would be no price for he music advert as it would be inside a music magazine. For the cd cover we could charge £6.99 for the single.

The didgi-pack is used as a promtion tool aswell. Our audience would see the music advert in the magazines and be drawn to check out the artist music. This inturn would lead them to watching our music video creatd for the artist. Word of mouth could be generated and the audience could share the video to the friends this in turn promotes the artist music and image and helps him to grow in the music industry.

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